useragent ipad

User-Agent String Apple Product iOS Version Build Introduced Apple-iPod/501.347 iPod touch 1st generation, iOS 2 2.0 5A347 Jul 11, 2008 Apple-iPod/502.108 iPod touch 1st generation, iOS 2.0.1 2.0.1 5B108 Aug 4, 2008 Apple-iPod/503.001 iPod touch 1st ...

相關軟體 SeaMonkey 下載

seamonkey為一套網頁瀏覽器軟體,此軟體採用先進的電子郵件,並可隨時隨地輕輕鬆鬆的來編輯HTML,軟體的期望就是讓使用者都可以方便的來瀏覽網頁。 開啟電子郵件時,會在新的分頁開啟,讓您閱讀較有規律。 ...

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  • I'm using a C# website. How can I check if the user using ipad or iphone? How ...
    c# - How do I check if the useragent is an ipad or iphone? - ...
  • User-Agent String Apple Product iOS Version Build Introduced Apple-iPod/501.347 iPod touch...
    Complete List of iOS User-Agent Strings | Enterprise iOS
  • 在给 iPad 做的网页进行测试的时候,有时候需要在 PC 上模拟 iPad User Agent 去访问网页,今天就介绍下如何让 Firefox,Chrome,Safari 浏览...
    firefoxsafarichrome浏览器模拟iPad的userAgent的方法_常用软 ...
  • So you've decided to create a mobile website for iPhone and iPad users, rather than cr...
    How Can I Detect the iPhone & iPad's User Agent? ...
  • iPad 3 Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko)...
    iPad Safari UserAgent string values (iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3) ...
  • You may need the user agent string of Apple iPad to test your website's layout in the ...
    iPad User Agent String - Digital Inspiration - Howto Guides ...
  • userAgent 属性是一个只读的字符串,声明了浏览器用于 HTTP 请求的用户代理头的值。一般来讲,它是在navigator.appCodeName 的值之后加上斜线和navi...
    iPhone ipad各版本UserAgent,Android和BlackBerry的UserAgent | ...
  • Yep, we noticed our first iPhone user agent string on my fireworks website on July 3rd. Ju...
    iPhone user agent - Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO
  • User agent identification When a software agent operates in a network protocol, it often i...
    User agent - Wikipedia
  • From what I gather, the iPad is using iPhone OS, but with a different screen resolution fr...
    What is the iPad user agent? - Stack Overflow